Types of kiwi


Having a brown peel with a green flesh, Kiwi is rich in C vitamin as the black seeds contain vitamin D and magnesium, reducing the risk of some cancers and heart attacks. This fruit prevents the development of Anemia by increasing the absorption of iron. Treating the insomnia, reducing the risk of blood clots and stroke, preventing the cancer and treating the stress, Kiwis are highly nutritious. Last but not least, Aran Trading Company provides Kiwis with the highest quality and at the best conditions.

Hayward Kiwi

Hayward Kiwi is one of the most popular cultivars of kiwi. It has a fluffy brown skin that becomes very sweet and juicy when fully ripe. The size of each Hayward kiwi is large, about 100 grams. This product has a longer storage capacity compared to other cultivars due to its high quality.

Red Kiwi

Red Kiwi is a rare species of kiwi whose fruit is red with a sweet taste and soft texture. These kiwis are small and with thin skin. Delicious fruit, good taste and high nutritional value are important specifications of red kiwis.

Green Kiwi

This type of kiwi is available in all seasons and, like other kiwis, has a hairy brown skin. They are 5 to 8 cm long and usually 4.5 to 5.5 cm in diameter. All parts of this type of kiwi can be consumed including its skin.

Yellow or golden kiwi

Yellow kiwis are grown in the tropics and are more resistant to cold compared to other fruits. These kiwis are the smallest and sweetest cultivars of kiwi that are very popular.


Kiwis are packaged in baskets and cardboard boxes. Basket and cardboard boxes are then packed based on different weights as follows:

  • 2.5 kg
  • 4 kg
  • 7 kg
  • 10 kg

Baskets or cardboard boxes normally hold 70 kg or more, while other packages are made based on specific weights and delivered to customers.